Certifications and Affiliations

NDS is an exemplary rated, chartered member of NeighborWorks America. As a NeighborWorks America member, NDS is recognized as a nonprofit community-based organization that focuses on community revitalization and the production of affordable housing. Through NeighborWorks, NDS is able to connect with 240 other neighborhood organizations across the country.

NDS is a certified NeighborWorks Green Organization. This certification recognizes that NDS works to incorporate healthy and sustainable principles into every facet of our operations and throughout our lines of business.

Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI)
Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO)

NDS helps administer the Community Development Program (Community Development Block Grant) funding for the City of Barberton. NDS assists in the administration of the program for the City of Cuyahoga Falls, the City of Kent, and Portage County.



Community Development

Commercial Development


Housing Development

Housing Development

Housing Development